Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Who Do You Turn To For Information On Contraceptives?

2 out of 3 women (63%) who use the internet, research contraceptives and birth control options online. In January of this year, comScore Inc. a leader in measuring the digital world, released results from a study that looked at how women choose their method of contraception, what their opinion is of alternative contraceptive methods and whether the information they gather from their 'net' research influences their actual 'practising' methods of contraception.

921 women were surveyed (ages 18-44) who had been heterosexually active over the past 6 months and had used a form of prescription or over-the-counter birth control.
  • 82% of the women surveyed consulted their doctor, pharmacist or health care worker about
  • contraceptive options
  • 60% researched on the internet and web sites
  • 51% consulted friends, family and 'significant others'

"Traditionally, women have relied on friends, family or a significant other for health-related
information, including sexual health and contraception," said Carolina Petrini, comScore senior vice president. "But today, with the influx of newer-generation birth control methods and non-traditional pill regimens, more and more women are turning to the Internet to sort through the clutter and organize their findings. As is true in many other areas of health care, the consumer has become much more proactive. She wants to be informed of all of her choices, and she is relying on the Internet for answers."

35% of the women surveyed had already used birth control related 'user generated content' from blogs, forums and chatrooms, while 42% said they were open to the idea in the future.

Factors that influence a woman's choice of contraceptive

Not surprisingly, the main factor was EFFECTIVENESS although only 9% gave ineffectiveness as a reason for not choosing specific types.

The main reasons for NOT choosing a specific type of contraceptive were:
  • perceived SIDE EFFECTS (45%)
These perceptions about side effects and inconvenience varied according to the type of contraceptive eg.some women said they would not consider switching to the birth control pill, hormonal injections, patches and implants because of perceived side effects. Vaginal rings and diaphragms were perceived to be the most inconvenient or difficult to use form of contraceptive.

Source:http://www.comscore.com To read report on this survey CLICK HERE

Further information on Alesse, Mircette and other oral contraceptives.